SETTINGS - How to Import a 3rd party implant kit

SETTINGS - How to Import a 3rd party Implant Kit

Content by: Adrien Crouzet

Approved by:  Cecile Peyrot   

Last Update: 2/2/2023

When you want to add a 3rd party implant kit, there are 2 options. 

  • If you have one specific implant kit to add, a .ipflib file, Open the Implant Kit Editor, click on the "+" icon on the left bottom corner and click on Import Implant Kit. Now select the .ipflib file and open it.

Tips: if you have multiple .ipflib to add you can select them all here

  • If you have an Implant Manufacturer Kits, a .zip file, Open the Implant Kit Editor, click on the "+" icon on the left bottom corner, and click on Import Implant Manufacturer Kits. Now select the .zip file and open it.

Tips: if you have multiple .ipflib to add you can select them all here

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