Virtuo Vivo - Technical Specifications

Virtuo Vivo - Technical Specifications

Content by: Adrien Crouzet

Approved by:  Cecile Peyrot

Last update: 19/4/2023

Virtuo Vivo's reach or scan depth is 20 mm. This means that Vivo can scan elements up to 20 mm from the handpiece tip (or sleeve) on a clear path. A path is clear when the two cameras of a pair have a clear sight of an element (ex: implant, prep margin line). A path is not clear if a camera has no sight on an element due to something adjacent blocking the view (ex: teeth or gingiva). This happens in narrow areas. A tip to scan elements in narrow areas is to move the handpiece in different angles and at different distances.

Virtuo Vivo's scanning technology is called multi-module stereoscopy. It has 2 scanning modules with an acquisition frame rate of 120 FPS each. Bear in mind that if FPS numbers are linked to scan speed, each scanning technology has its own correlation between the FPS value and the speed experienced by the user. This makes interpreting differences in FPS values from various scanners difficult.

From internal benchmarks with Medit and Trios scanners, Virtuo Vivo is as fast or faster.

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