CAD - Screw channel rounding options

CAD - Screw channel rounding options

Content by: Adrien Crouzet
Approved by: Cecile Peyrot
Last Update: Nov.08th, 2022  

If the ledge of your screw channel looks thick/bulky like this:

And this is not how you like it, you prefer to have a sharp edge like this:

Here are 2 ways to modify these parameters:

  • Temporarily, If you want to change them only for the case you are working on.  You have to right-click on the crown, and choose "Recompute"

Under the tab Custom abutment parameters, set the value Screw Channel Thickness to 0 and uncheck Screw Channel Rounding. Then valid with ok

  • Permanently

Open "Material management", select the material you want to modify and Under the section Custom abutment, set the value Screw Channel Thickness to 0 and uncheck Screw Channel Rounding.

Nb: If you have a computing error message, you are probably using an angled screw channel. You should increase the screw channel thickness value a little instead of 0 try 0.01mm.

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