Virtuo Vivo - How to create a Support Order

Virtuo Vivo - How to create a Support Order

Content by: Adrien Crouzet

Approved by:  Cécile Peyrot

Last update: 08/31/2022

A Support order is comprised of 4 elements. The scan pictures, the scanning path, the Xorder, and the logs. You want to create a folder named "export order_*helpscout ticket number* " on the desktop and copy-paste these elements that you will collect.

In Virtuo Vivo, you need to enable the  Demo Mode (CTRL + D) and the Debug Mode (Ctrl + F1)  (please note that these modes are for Internal use only and this information should not be shared with customers)

Then follow the procedure:

1- The Scan Pictures

- In the Current Cases section, select the case you need and remember the Case UID number.

- Open a file explorer window (window key + E) and copy this path:   C:\Users\DWOS\AppData\Local\DWIO\IOScans

- Copy the folder that matches the  Case UID number and past it in your export order folder.

2- The Scanning Path and the Xorder

- In the Current Cases section, select the case you need and open it.

- Click on Export scanning path, select Export as Xorder and save it in your export order folder. This way you combine the scanning paths and the Xorder on one file.

3- The Logs

- Open a file explorer window (window key + E) and copy this path:   C:\Users\DWOS\AppData\Local\DWIO .   Copy the folder logs and paste it in your support order folder.

4- Send the files to DW Support

- Compress your  folder " export order_*helpscout ticket number* " into a zip and send it to DW Support. The file might be too heavy to send via fromsmash, wetransfer etc, if so divide the folder in 2 parts.

Alternative solution:

Load all the files on our FTP using the Support Account into the following folder:

/Orders_for_DW_support/VIVO Tingling Sensation_SUPPORT CASES/

For each case, please make sure to create its DIRECTORY.

The Directory folder name should be the helpscout ticket number - see below example:


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