CAD - Mirror anatomy error

CAD - Mirror anatomy error

Content by: Adrien Crouzet
Approved by: 
Cécile Peyrot 

Last Update: 08/11/2022

If you have an additional " Gingiva scan" and are having a hard time using "Mirror anatomy", this might be your solution.

You are probably facing a freezing window " Extracting mirror anatomy" or a weird cut shape of the anatomy like so: 

What's happening here is the selection line is projected on the gingiva file and not on the model file, which is why it's necessary to clean the gingiva file. 

To do so, right-click on the gingiva and select " Remove scan faces", Only keep the necessary gingiva around the preparation, and delete the proximal teeth, especially the one you want to copy.

After that, you can successfully redo the " Mirror anatomy" feature.

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