HotFix - DWO/CARES - Sending ModelBuilder Project to STMN Centralized Milling


Sending ModelBuilder Project to STMN Centralized Milling

Content by: Cecile Peyrot
Approved by: CAD PO
Last update: July, 19th 2022

Release: 15.11.1-36884
Order type: VMB
Internal Reference: #57129

Description:  Sometimes, when the customer is sending a Model Builder item to Straumann Centralized Milling, he is facing the error message below

How to work around the bug ?

There are two workarounds :

  1. Sending the entire orders instead only the ModelBuilder item

  2. Force the sending of ModelBuilder item
    1. Select OK
    2. Select OK again
    3. Select OK the last time
    4. You can confirm the item is sent properly by checking the Remote ID
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