Medit - How to scan a virtual wax-up order created in DWOS/CARES

Medit - How to scan a virtual wax-up order created in DWOS/CARES 

Content by: Guillaume Ferrenbach
Approved by: Christophe Veyrat
Last Update: 05/18/2022

In this document we will explain how to make a virtual wax-up order with or without diagnostic scan in MEDIT Scan for Labs with an order made from DWOS/CARES. 

1 - Create the Order in the module "Virtual Wax-up Order", and click on "Save and Scan":

2 - In the MEDIT Scan for Labs, choose the DWOS Settings, here you have 2 solutions:

- Solution A : Make a virtual wax-up without diagnostic scan

- Solution B : Make a virtual wax-up with diagnostic scan

- Solution A -   

Make a virtual wax-up without diagnostic scan

A.1 - Let the Wax-up in "Off", choose the antagonist type and validate with "Confirm":

A.2 - Choose your "Scan Strategy" and validate with "Confirm":

A.3 - For the first scan click on "Next" to start the scan, but IMPORTANT after the first scan, don't select the wax-up scan, you must skip this step by clicking directly on the antagonist. (this step that is crossed out bellow, appeared because with medit an order created in a virtual wax-up automatically includes a physical wax-up but in this case (solution A) you will want to create a virtual wax-up without diagnostic):

A.4 - For the next scan, click directly on the antagonist icon scan :

A.5 - Click on "Next" to scan the antagonist : 

A.6 - After the antagonist scan, click on "Next" to scan the occlusion :

A.7 -  Now go directly to the repositionning step (if you click on next it will take you back to the wax-up scanning stage (which you don't want in this situation)) :

A.8 - When the repositionning has been done, click on "Complete" to finish the scanning and that will open the "Processing" step :

A.9 - Now the order opens in DWOS/CARES and you can design your virtual wax-up without dignostic scan :

- Solution B -

 Make a virtual wax-up with diagnostic 

B.1 - With the same order when the DWOS Settings opens, select Wax-up "On", choose the antagonist type and validate with "Confirm":

B.2 - Choose your "Scan Strategy" and validate with "Confirm":

B.3 - In this case you don't need to pass the scan of the wax-up because you whant a diagnostic scan (the scan of the wax-up become your diagnostic scan), follow the scanning step with  "Next" at each step :

B.4 - Make all respositionning and you will find yourself at the "Processing" step, when it will be Completed the scans will be in DWOS/CARES for the realization of the virtual Wax-up with diagnostic scan:

B.5 - When the "Processing" was finished, the scans are available in DWOS/CARES, follow the step of the assignation and in "CAD Station" you can now make the design of the virtual wax-up with the diagnostic scan : 

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