Medit - How to scan a Simple Coping With Wax-up created in DWOS/CARES

Medit - How to scan a Simple Coping With Wax-up created in DWOS/CARES

Content by: Guillaume Ferrenbach
Approved by: Christophe Veyrat
Last Update: 05/18/2022

For make a Simple Coping With Wax-up (for exemple when you whant to coping the provisonnal crown or coping a design with pre preparation crown) created in DWOS/CARES please follow this workflow:

1 - In DWOS/CARES, create the order in the module CnB & Implants Order, select "Wax-ups" in Prothesis Family and "Simple Coping With Wax-up" in Prosthesis Subtype, select the crown and click on "Save Scan" to continue on the MEDIT Scan for Labs:

2 - When the MEDIT Scan for Labs was opened, the DWOS Settings was appear, for make a simple coping select the Wax-Up in "Off", choose the antagonist type and "Confirm":

3- Choose your "Scan Strategy" and click on "Confirm":

4- Follow the scanning step with "Next" at each step: 

5 - Make all respositionning and you will find yourself at the "Processing" step, when it will be Completed the scans will be in DWOS/CARES for the realization of the coping Wax-up:

6 - In DWOS/CARES, positioning the arche on the modèle and validate:

7 - Make the "Assignations" steps in "Scan Import" and go to the "CAD Station":

8- When the assignation was good, make a right click on the wax-up and select "Remove scan faces" for cleaning them:

9- When the cleaning of the wax-up will be done, validate do go to the "CAD Station":

10- When you are in the "CAD Station", you can make somes modifications of the design by clicking right on the crown but the wax-up coping wax already done, if you are satisfied you can validate the design:

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