Virtuo Vivo - Scan technique and Scanning Path
Virtuo Vivo - Scan Technique and Scanning Path
Content by: Cecile Peyrot
Approved by:
Last update: October 14th, 2022
Arch :
- start scanning the occlusal face
- when you reach the canine, switch to a rocking motion
- finish scanning the occlusal surface
- rotate to lingual 45° and scan the full arch
- rotate to buccal 45°and scan the full arch
- have another pass over incomplete surfaces to cover them

- Focus the target on the upper arch, The scanner will connect faster. Use the pre-loaded grey upper gingiva arch scan as a reference for your scan target.
- Scan one side from molar to premolar in a zig-zag fashion, catching gingiva on both upper and lower and stop (4 teeth). Do not wait for the lower arch to appear.
- Scan the other side from molar to pre-molar, in a zig-zag fashion, until the full lower arch appears and is in a good position, then stop
Note: scanning the full arch can decrease the accuracy of occlusion calculation
- start on the occlusal surface of the adjacent tooth or non-mobile gingiva
- turn on the buccal side when reaching the scanbody, start from the base with gingiva in view
- continue and go around to the lingual side
- retract the cheek
- scan the lingual side starting at the base of the scanbody
- go up the scanbody at an angle, always keeping the gingiva in target
- reach the top with an angle, keeping gingiva in target as much as possible