Hotfix - Virtuo Vivo - Import Straumann Implant Kits

Virtuo Vivo - Import Straumann Implant Kits

There are no Straumann implant kits available under User and Admin Profile

Import Straumann Implant Kits

  1. Log in as Admin profile
  2. Click on the "Settings" icon and then the "Implant kits"

  3. At the bottom right corner click on "Import Kits"
  4. Go to the VIVO software subdirectory C:\Program Files\Dental Wings Intraoral Scanner\Software\data\implant\straumann

  5. Select ALL *.ipflib files and "Open"

  6. Straumann Implant kits are loaded. Click on "SAVE" button

  7. The following message confirms the implant kits have been saved

  8. Log out of the ADMIN profile

  9. Log in under the USER profile
  10. Click on the "Settings" icon and then the "Implant kits"
  11. Click on "Reset to Default" at the bottom right hand corner
  12. All Straumann Implant Kits are now showing up. Click on "SAVE" button

Should you have Multiple user profiles, you will need to log in under each profile and complete the above steps used for USERS.

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