VMB - How to add a base on a full model

VMB - How to add a base on a full model 

Content by: Guillaume Ferrenbach

Approved by: Cecile Peyrot

Last Update: 16/02/2022

Sometimes you need to add a base for a full model in the VMB module, for that please follow the steps below : 

1 - Before starting you can see this document to know how to import an attachment kit :    https://dwos.helpscoutdocs.com/article/807-cad-how-to-import-an-attachment-kit

You can download  the attachment files in DW web site by clicking on this link https://dentalwings.com/fr/telechargements/#attachments-anatomies-STL, and select "Generics" the platform base is available in three different sizes  : small, medium, large :

2 - When you are in VMB module, you need to merge the model, because in this step you can't add a attachment kit on the model : 

3 - After merging the model, right click on the model and select "Add Attachment Item" :

4 - When you are on this tool you can "Select Attachment Kit", and choose the right attachment in the selection windows : 

5 - Adjust the position of the attachment on the base of the model, and click on "OK"

6 - Optional, you can click on "Snap to model base" to place the attachment on the base of the model, and click on "OK" : 

7 - Now you can merge the attachments and route to production, to click on the validate icon : 

8 - In production the model was completely with the full base :

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