HotFix - Medit Link - Partial - Not able to add a Wax-Up

Medit Link - DWOS / CARES Partial module

Not able to add a Wax-Up

Content by: Cecile Peyrot
Approved by: Christophe Veyrat
Last update: January, 12th 2022

Software: Medit Link 
Release: 2.5.5-185
Order type: Partial with Wax-Up

Description: Since Medit Link 2.5.5-185, the customer is not able to add a Wax-Up with Partial cases.

Medit Link 2.5.5-185 Previous Medit Link release

How to work around the bug ?

  1. In DWOS / CARES, Create a fake Partial order. Click on Save & Scan
  2. In Medit, Scan the Wax-Up without an antagonist
  3. Export the .stl/.ply file of the waxup
  4. Go back to DWOS / CARES, Create the Partial Order in the function of your situation. And click on Save & Scan 
  5. In Medit, scan the case in the function of your situation
  6. Follow the scan steps as usual
  7. The case will open in DWOS / CARES - Scan Import. Validate the step
  8. Open the case in the Partial module
  9. Cancel the Survey Model
  10. Right-click on the case options and Click on Load diagnostic wax-up information
  11. Find the file exported in step 3 and open it
  12. Right-click on the Diagnostic wax-up and click on Reposition on arch
  13. Perform the 3 points repositioning and valid by OK
  14. On the right-hand side of the screen, click again on the Survey Model to resume the usual steps of the partial case design
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