VMB - Analog hole is not created

VMB - Analog hole is not created

Sometimes the analog hole is not created (see pictures below): 

What I should have: 

This issue can be due to 2 errors :
- either the analog holder file in the implant kit is missing
- or the bottom of the analog holder file is closed

How to check

  1. Go to "Implant Kit Editor"
  2. Go through the right Implant kit. Scroll down until the "Analog Holder".
    1. Either the file is missing as there is no icon:
    2. Or the file of the analog holder is not correct as the bottom is closed.
      The bottom of the analog holder has to be opened as the following results in "Implant Kit Editor":

    In both root causes presented in this document, you (or the customer) have to contact the Implant Manufacturer.
    A missing analog holder file can be a commercial choice. In this case, the customer is not allowed to create a model with this implant kit.
    When the bottom of the analog holder is closed, most of the time, it means the implant library is not validated by Dental Wings. To validate a library, the Implant Manufacturer has to contact DW at this email address: ipflib@dental-wings.com

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