CAD - My design is totaly smoothed

CAD - My design is totally smoothed

Content by: Guillaume Ferrenbach

Approved by: Cecile Peyrot

Last Update: 01/11/2022

Sometimes the design is totally smoothed : 

To restore an initial morphology  :

1. Go to "Recompute" by right-clicking on the crown :

2. Go to "Custom abutment parameters" :

3. Go down to the bottom of the window, uncheck "Apply Overlay Surface Compensation", and click "OK":

After doing this, the tooth regains its initial morphology without the surface compensation :

If you want to permanently remove this option from the customers you must go to "Material Management":

Go to the material concerned (e.g. DWOS Ceramic), "Manufacturing" and uncheck "Apply Overlay Surface Compensation" :

The option will then be automatically unchecked for the selected material :

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