HotFix DWOS/CARES - [Nesting] Inhouse Manufacturing Workflow does not work with some type materials

[Nesting] Inhouse Manufacturing Workflow does not work with some type of materials

Kind Reminder: What is In-house Manufacturing Workflow?

This is a specific workflow that allows Straumann in-house's customers to import fully designed objects for nesting and milling using the CARES Milling Machines. 
For more information, see the Step by step procedure

Software: DWOS / CARES
Release:  2020.1 - Internally 14.1.0-35530
Module: Nesting
Milling Machines impacted: M series / M series NG  / C series
Prosthesis type impacted : Full Crown on Implant

What error does the customer get?

After performing the nesting calculation, the customer gets a "No ANC files found" error.

What must be checked?

"No ANC files found" can be related to a lot of problems. We must be sure to check the origin of the issue.

Go to  D:\DWClientTmp or D:\STMNClientTmp
Open the last NcCreator folder (filter by date)

Open the file named stlpathcalc.log
You should find the error message: 

19.02.2021 09:20:20  Failure: Undefined token "rotationstopfine"
19.02.2021 09:20:20  Undefined token "rotationstopfine"

What is the root cause?

In release 14.1 / 2020.1, the Milling Machine Configurations have been modified and some parameters are missing.

How to solve it?

Close Client and Server
Retrieve all configuration files (right click and Save files):
- MW-CSeries.xml
- MW-MSeries.xml
- MW-MSeriesDNA.xml

Copy and Paste (exchange) these files inside the conf folder [\DWData\release\conf]

Open Client and Server
Ask the customer to perform the calculation of the case (you can do it if you are able to do)

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