Virtuo Vivo - Order Status Definitions

Virtuo Vivo - Order Status Definitions

Status Definitions:

  • NEW: case just created, no treatment plan set, no scan done 
  • SCANNING: one ore more scan not completed 
  • SCAN_OPTIMIZATION: use only with a V2 (version: 2.1 to 2.3.1), Optimization of the scan to have a better quality in the end (is mandatory for full arch scan )
  • ALIGNMENT: all scan completed, scan alignment not done 
  • IN_REVIEW: all scan done, alignment done review not done 
  • DELAYED: All scans done, align and review done, but need to fill in the treatment plan to make it ready to export (For quick scans only as the treatment plan step is skipped for quick scan) 
  • READY_TO_EXPORT: plan/scans/align/review done, case ready to be sent to the lab or exported locally 
  • IN_UPLOAD_QUEUE: case waiting its turn to be uploaded to DWOS connect 
  • UPLOADING: the case is currently being uploaded to DWOS connect (this is a temporary state which comeback to IN_UPLOAD_QUEUE if you close the Vivo and the case hasn't exported yet )
  • EXPORTED_LOCALLY: Means exported on the user's machine to be picked up by other applications 
  • EXPORTED: Means exported to a remote server i.e. DWOS/Cares connect 
  • EXPORTED_CHAIRSIDE: Means exported to a chairside local on the same computer or in the same network
  • EXPORTED_CLEAR_CORRECT: Means exported to Clearcorrect server
  • CANCELLED: Cancelled on DWOS connect by the lab 
  • IN_ERROR: A severe DWOS connect error, the case can still be valid but we DWIO can't know its status 
  • CLOSED: This case no longer needs to be tracked

Exported CASE status (exported to DWOS/Cares Connect only)

  • NEW: Initial status when pushing to a remote server (It's a real remote status but in VIVO we should never receive it)
  • ARCHIVED: (only cad side is archived)
  • NOT_AVAILABLE: No case item was found on the server (this case is often related to a prep-less case  and it is fixed in 3.2 and later)
  • SEVERAL: Not all items in the order are at the same step... 

For example the order has 2 prosthesis and one is manufactured but the other not yet. This is due to a different vision from VIVO and CAD. As a dentist, you only want the status of your case and CAD side consider all singles preps as a different case and they do not have a vision on the general case status so we have to fake it 

  • CANCELLED: The lab canceled the order
  • ERROR: an error occurred in the order workflow

**NOTE** A case can only be canceled in the state of WAITING_FOR_DESIGN and WAITING_FOR_MANUFACTURING

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