CAD - How to design a Bite Splint

CAD - How to design a Bite Splint

After scanning the upper/lower arch or import some STL files in scan import you will next need to do a survey.

Next step after survey the full arch is to remove if needed the wax in some area for retention.

Before designing the bite splint you will need to open the bite to insure the best function of all the movement with the bite splint.
To do so click on the virtual articulator and click on the parameters and there you will have the setting to open the bite.

To start designing the bite splint click on the bite splint icon. By clicking the bite splint you can change if needed the setting.    The red color indicates the contact of the antagonist

to adjust the contact you can right click on the bite splint and choose remove occlusion interference or click directly on the right icons.

You can also add if needed an occlusion table on the anterior or posterior.

  You can also add or remove some material on the surface to smooth it.

There's also an option to add a serial number on the surface.

You can make holes if needed with the attachment option by clicking on the right icon.

Finally to merge the case, click on the blue check mark down below so you can retrieve the manufacturing files and print your bite splint to your printer or send it to an milling center.


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