Virtuo Vivo - Package Language Installation

Virtuo Vivo - Package Language Installation

Procedure update ( Jan 13th 2021 )

1. Close Vivo session. (On a DWIO Cart, do not forget to go in debug mode first)

2. Go to windows language settings and download the required language. 

3. Reboot the station. 

4. Close Vivo session. (On a DWIO Cart, do not forget to go in debug mode first)

5. Go to language settings and select the latest downloaded language.

6. Restart and log in a vivo session. Language should be applied

SHOULD THE ABOVE actions not work, then proceed with the below solution:

1* Start to check if the updates are enabled:

OPEN CMD in adm mode and type both below lines ( you need to hit ENTER each time to validate the command )

SC config wuauserv start= auto 
REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv" /V start /T REG_DWORD /D 2 /F
2* Try again to download the missing Language pack. 
3* Run IO update to roll back the updates settings. OR use: script see below FTP link via username: support / password: dw@s2011

/Personal_Files/DWIO Tools/Bloquer UPDATE MICROSOFT script

4* Run IO software update

If this option is still not working, try the steps follow:

below is how to download offline the language pack PT-BR, but we can do the same for any language: 

*Restart the system and leave only English US language installed on the system
*Type:  Windows+R, and ms-settings:about click Ok.
*check the architecture of the OS. (Picture below)
*Download the package language PT-BR:

*Download the package language ES-ES:

  • Versão 1803 - Build 17134: [32 bits] - [64 bits]
  • Versão 1709 - Build 16299: [32 bits] - [64 bits]
  • Versão 1703 - Build 15063: [32 bits] - [64 bits]
  • Versão 1607 - Build 14393: [32 bits] - [64 bits]
  • Versão 1511 - Build 10586: [32 bits] - [64 bits]

*Press Windows+R and type Lpksetup after press Ok
*Click on install language and import the file downloaded.
*Restart the system and set as default language(picture below)

Hora-E-Idioma.pngIF not works, you can try that:

  1. Download the csv.xsl file (or find it on your own computer in your own language C:\Windows\System32\wbem\{your language}\csv.xsl)
  2. Copy the file csv.xsl to the target device folder C:\Windows\System32\wbem\{device display language}\csv.xsl
  3. Test the command wmic qfe get HotFixID, InstalledOn /format:csv, if it fails, try putting the csv.xsl file in another language folder.


DWIO Software Language

in order to change the language of the intraoral software please follow these steps:

  • locate the installation directory
    • by default on Dental Wings installations: C:\Program Files\Dental Wings Intraoral Scanner
    • by default on Straumann installations: C:\Program Files\Straumann Intraoral Scanner
  • locate the sub-folder \Software\bin
  • right-click on the file Client.bat and select "Edit with Notepad++"
  • locate line 10: start "IO Client" ..\jre\bin\javaw -cp ..\lib\*
  • place the following tag after ...autoshutdown=true 
  • your end result should look like:
    • start "IO Client" ..\jre\bin\javaw -cp ..\lib\* -Duser.language=XX

Replace XX by the ISO Code 2 of the language. For your language, it is: XX

  • Now press CTRL + S (or STRG + S on a German keyboard) to save the file. Alternatively go to the menu "File" -> "Save"
  • A popup will appear informing you that the file can not be saved and may be protected. It will ask if you want to launch Notepad++ in Administrator mode.
  • Confirm with Yes
  • A Windows popup will appear asking you if you want to allow Notepad++ to make changes to your PC.
  • Confirm with Yes
  • Save the file again: press CTRL + S (or STRG + S on a German keyboard) to save the file. Alternatively go to the menu "File" -> "Save"

Change temporary (Support Purpose)

  • Hold CTRL key and press the F3 key until the needed language is reached. The language will be changed dynamically.

Available languages:

1-System language  (iso code2)
2-English en
3-Czech cs
4-German de
5-Greek el
6-Spanish es
7-French fr
8-Croatian hr
9-Italian it
10-Japanese ja
11-Korean ko
12-Dutch nl
13-Polish pl
14-Portuguese pt
15-Romanian ro
16-Turkish tr
17-Chinese zh

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