Virtuo Vivo - Backup and import of database

Virtuo Vivo - Backup and import of database

Content by : Bastien Bommelaer

Approved by : Antoine Forest

Last update :26/02/2022

This document explains how to export a database from a device, and how to import it (on the same or on a different device)

Back up of Database
Import of database
  • Back up of Database
4 easy steps to follow, if the user wants to change the path of where they want to save their backup on Virtuo Vivo intraoral Scanner. This is to be done on Administrator account.

  • Import of database

Copy the complete folder DWOSIO_Backup to the new unit where you want to import the database.


On the new device open the folder %localappdata%\DWIO and delete the contents of the folder fileVault. Then paste the 4 folders in the fileVault

  • 0-0-0-2_User_
  • DocumentsVault
  • Handpieces
  • Patients

(from your backup) into the fileVault folder. 

Now copy the file from your backup and paste it here: C:\Users\DWOS\Documents and  then extract it.

Start the MysQL Workbench (download here if needed ) and connect to the database with the password !

Click on "Data Import/Restore" on the left side of the screen.

Select the option "Import from Self-Contained File" and point to the extracted .sql file. Choose the "Default Schema to be Imported to" and select from the dropdown menu "dentalwings_io".

Click on the "Start Import" button at the right bottom. Once it is finished close the MySQL Workbench and start the IO software.

If you can not select the dentalwings_io default target Schema like in this case:

you have to click on "Create a new Schema in the connected server":

Call it dentalwings_io and click on "Apply"

In the next window click on "Apply" again.

Once it is applied click on "Finish". Now close the "Administration - Data Import/Restore" tab and re-open it. Select the .sql file again and you will be able to choose the dentalwings_io Default Target Schema.

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