Medit - "How to" section

Medit - "How to" Section

How to replace the Fuse

Here is a video to replace the Fuse : How to replace the Fuse

Here is the document to exchange the Fuse: How to Exchange FUSE

How to replace the Back connector Module

Here is the document to exchange the Back Connector Module: How to Exchange Back Connector Module

Here is a video to replace the back connector: How to replace the back connector module

How to replace the Interface Board

Here is a video to replace the Interface Board: How to replace the Interface Board

Here is the document to exchange the Interface Board: How to replace the Interface Board

How to replace the Mainboard

Here is a video to replace the Mainboard: How to replace the mainboard

Here is the document to exchange the Mainboard: How to replace the Mainboard

How to replace the projector

Here is a video to replace the projector: How to replace the projector

Here is the document to replace the projector: How-to-exchange-PROJECTOR-MODULE

How to exchange Camera(MONO&COLOR)

Normally done by Medit

Here is the document to exchange Camera: How to Exchange Camera(MONO&COLOR)

How to exchange Arm Module

Here is the document to exchange the Arm Module: How to Exchange Arm Module

How to exchange camera cable

Here is the document to exchange camera cable: How to Exchange Camera Cable

How to Exchange Trigger Cable

Here is the document to exchange the Trigger Cable: How to Exchange Trigger Cable

How to exchange the Projector power cable

Here is the document to exchange the Projector power cable: How to Exchange Projector Power Cable

How to exchange the Projector USB cable

Here is the document to exchange the Projector USB cable: How to Exchange Projector USB Cable

How to exchange the Touch cable

Here is the document to exchange the Touch cable: How to Exchange Touch Cable

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