Virtuo Vivo - Integrity Check

DWIO - Virtuo Vivo
Integrity Check

Purpose: checking the integrity of the VIVO Handpiece by checking its ACCURACY (precision) and CAMERAS' status (dead or intermittent)

How to do it:

Remove the sleeve from the Handpiece and put in its place ( same assembly method ) the integrity tool (see below picture):

How to launch the Integrity Check:

We proceed exactly as we used to do in the previous software versions ( via the handpiece menu ), but we acquire more information:

  • In Debug Mode , the results are displayed in the interface with the "Limit Value":

In the below screenshot, HIGHLIGHTED in yellow are the ACCURACY TEST RESULTS.

LIMIT values updated ( for CART )

REFBODY_MIN_PTS_ M0 = 37_500

REFBODY_MIN_PTS_ M1 = 46_800

HOW TO INTERPRET those results?

Should any of those results be under the predetermined minimum requirements, then you can generate an RMA for FADING ACCURACY

Please always check the below folder whenever an IC Check test FAILS

While performing an IC Check, the test generates a folder located in the below path on the VIVO scanner


At the root of this folder, there is a .csv file that contains the calculation results of the test.

Inside the 'integrityScan' folder, you will find a SUBFOLDER named as following: 


NOTE: there is 1 folder per IC tests

  • Inside this sub-folder we can find important information - especially checking right away if we have INTERMITTENT or DEAD CAMERAS - see below screenshot's examples
  • Should you see any black images in this subfolder after your test, proceed with RMA for DEAD Camera

Should the client performed several IC checks, please double-check ALL subfolders to find out if there is any black camera.

If you see black cameras randomly ( 1 black camera out of 3 IC checks tests for example ), then we have an INTERMITTENT camera RMA

Should you see the same black camera in several  IC checks tests' subfolders, then you have a DEAD camera RMA

Side note

  • Camera images (pattern and color) - no need to open the scan view to view the images in debug mode. We save in production a set of reference images for each HP, so it is possible to compare those from the customer's to the ones from production (\\dw-samba\Nas-Prod\Production\DW-IO)
    • The point clouds of each 3d frame of the scan
    • The point clouds of the full scan
    • Two unnecessary empty folders (intrinsic / extrinsic)
    • The serial number of the HP
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