How to Create and Import a License file

How to Create and Import a CARES License

  1. Open the Dental Desktop application available on the desktop.

2.Open the Cares Visual software inside the Dental Desktop application.

3. A window will appear asking for a valid license.

Click on the “New” button. 4. A new window will appear. Enter all the information of the end user and then click on the button “Save” at the bottom of the window.

5. Select the folder where you want to save the License Request file.

6. You will receive a prompt window saying that your request has been created and that you can now send the license request file.

7.You will received automatically after the previous window an error saying there is no valid license. This is normal and you can ignore it for now by pressing the “OK” button.

8.You need to send the License Request file that you just created to Locate your License Request file in the folder you chose to save it to. The file name end with REQ – see below example:

9. Once you received the License file from Dental Wings by email under 48h, save the License file on the computer of the end user. Please note the License file name ends with LIC.

10. Follow again step 1 and 2 and then click on the “Import” button.

1. A confirmation window will appear asking you if you want to import a new license.

12. Go to the folder where you saved your new License file that end with LIC, select it to import it. 13. A confirmation screen will appear asking you if you want to import that license. Click on “Yes”.

14. Another window will come up confirming with you that the license has been imported properly. You can click on the “OK” button.

15. The software will start automatically.

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