Nova- How to import an implant case from coDiagnostiX

Nova- How to import an implant case from coDiagnostiX

Content by: Adrien Crouzet

Last Update: 09/30/2024

Requierement: For this workflow, you need to set a Nova Inbox Local folder connection

We have a document for this:

Once this is done, follow the workflow below:

1 - In Codiagnotix, select Plan / Virtual Planning Export


2 - In cDX - Virtual Planning Export window, make sure to select DWOS or CARES Xorder, follow the step as necessary and click on Export Virtual Planning


3 - Export the Xorder in the Nova inbox Local folder previously set.

If not follow this document to set this local connection:

4 - Open NOVA Inbox, the case is listed in the folder "Received". Click on Accept.


5 - Go back to NOVA / Actives cases. The case is automatically imported. Open the case


6 - Follow the steps in NOVA as usual until "Lab Slip". Select the correct implant. Click on Next


7 - The scanbody is automatically positionned properly.


Two major pieces of information to keep in mind:

  • The digital workflow between Codiagnostix and NOVA must pass through a local connection in the Inbox.
  • The coordinates (position) of the scanbody are included in the Xorder. This information is not visible in NOVA for the end-user, but the repositioning in NOVA follows the coordinates transferred by Codiag.
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