Virtuo Vivo - How to avoid ClearCorrect Case rejection

Virtuo Vivo - How to avoid ClearCorrect Case rejection

Content by: Adrien Crouzet

Last update: 08/18/2023

When you create a ClearCorrect case, in order to avoid rejection, you need to double-check your scans before submitting them . Always review your scans in monochrome, defaults are easier to spot.

1-Scan Quality

-Holes in the Scan:

Be sure that your upper and lower don’t have holes.

-Double Surfaces:

Look for double surfaces, if there are any, please rescan the arch.


There is one type of double surface that can indicate that there is an arch distortion. if you notice it on your scan, you need to rescan the arch.


The scans should be free of artifacts.

-Extra Data:

If there is extra data, clean the scans properly.

2-Scan Quantity

To prevent aligners from flaring at the edges, always capture at least 3-5 mm of gingiva in the scan.

If you don't have enough gingiva like the image below, your case will be rejected.

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