Virtuo Vivo - How to change a regular order into a Codiagnostix/synergy order

Virtuo Vivo - How to change a regular order into a Codiagnostix/synergy order 

Content by: Adrien Crouzet

Last update: 08/07/2023

You Created and Scanned a regular order but then want to change it into a codiagnostix/synergy order  ?

Just follow these steps:

1 - Open your Vivo Order

First you have to open your Vivo order, then go back to the Plan Editor step and select No Treatment Plan

2 - Virtuo Vivo export

After your scan are done and reviewed, Export your case through Cares Connect

3 - a - Open case in Codiagnostix

In Codiagnostix, go to Add Model Scan

Then select Import from device

And login to your Cares connect account, select your scan and confirm with use

After that you can carry on with the alignement steps.

3 - b Open case in Cares Visual - Inbox for a synergy order

Open your Cares Visual Inbox, Download and Import your case, since you set the order on No treatment Plan in Vivo, the Prescription Order will pop-up.

Select Define preparations, and, at the next step, in Prosthesis Family go to Abutments and Synergy Abutment as Prosthesis Subtype.

Now you can carry on with the Scan Import and once in CAD Station you can establish the Synergy connection.

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